
On this page you will find a number of resources to help you build the confidence and collect  the evidence you need to confidently walk away from an abusive relationship or comfortably walk into a police station to report what’s happening for you.

We also have information and resources for Workplaces which can be a safe place for victims of domestic and family violence to get help and other avenues to report bullying and harassment. 

Your current situation will have a history and eventually an outcome.  The stuff  in between is the evidence that explains what happened, when and the impact. 

We understand that you are the expert in your case and empower you to collect all the information and evidence you can that relates to what you are going through. 

Brief of Evidence

Evidence of your abuse and the impact of family violence is not always tangible but can be recorded at the time to capture information that may be relevant.

Seeking guidance and support from a counsellor is a primary source of confidentially reporting what is happening for you before you make a decision about what action if any to take.  Getting perspective and a greater understanding of the situation will help you make considered decisions in getting to the outcome you are seeking. 

Below is a list of resources to help you collate the information you may need before coming to us or after speaking with us about your case.   

By understanding the process you can easily navigate the system to know what you need to do, where you can get that information from and when. 

What I will stress is that your affidavit and statement is the primary evidence and many of the reports or documents simply serve to co-oberate your evidence. 

Your credibility will be tested, your integrity will be questioned as will your intention, agenda and motive, so making ethical and informed choices from the options available enable you to demonstrate these are made with best interest of children or in response to threat of harm or interference. 

Big Book of Abuse

Coming soon. Scheduled Release December 2021


Online Journal

Freedom of Information

FOI Request Letter explained

Police Statement/Reports

Child Protection/FACS/DCJ




Workplace Harassment

Workplaces can create an opportunity to arbitrate pathways and solutions.

  • administratively
  • financially
  • with guidance and support

Under the Fair Work Legislative requirements, all business have an obligations to support employees experiencing FDV  and must provide support. Understanding what that looks and feels like is different for many industries.

Whilst FDV does not discriminate, some sectors have been identified as having higher risk factors or contributing cultures that require specialised strategies to circumnavigate the behaviour of perpetrators. 

The benefits to workplaces is measured in productivity, the health, wellbeing and happiness of the employees, as well as staff engagement. 




For those living with family and domestic violence ,organisational support improves their personal outcomes by reducing levels of stress, isolation and vulnerability. 

Effective FDR Policies, reduce staff turnover, absenteeism, lower recruitment and training costs and the impact of reputational damage.

Upstream Investigations has created a framework that helps organisations to identify risk, scope, roles and responsibilities, procedures, management protocols and documentation that meets legislative requirements and expresses the commitment of workplaces to its’ employees and overseeing industry.

Our consultancy ensures the right staff are trained and skilled in the

  • Policy,
  • Identification,
  • Prevention and
  • Response of DFV.




Dictionary – A to Z

Definitions of the various types of abuse

Simple strategies & tactics to overcoming