This is a 6 episode series that explores and explains the complex, confronting and complicated issues of domestic violence and abuse. It shares the information you need to understand the process and navigate what can be an overwhelming system. Legislation, rules of evidence, applications, investigations, interventions, hearings, jurisdictions and protection orders make up a process that is designed to de-escalate conflict, stop abuse and eliminate violence.
But what we know is that the human condition tars us with emotions. We all have natural responses to certain events and behaviour, we all learn how to react in unknown situations but we all have a choice when it comes to using violence. Relationships are not your rehab centre. You must bring your best self to the table to be served with respect.
In this podcast you will learn the process of the applying for an AVO and the situations in which an application is granted. You’ll come to understand the civil, criminal and family law jurisdictions and the threshold of evidence needed. But more importantly we hope you become empowered to make decisions about your own life and the outcome you are wanting. An AVO, IPVO, ADVO, Protection Order or Intervention is the point in which change must happen to prevent abuse and reduce the risks of violence occurring. It is not a resolution to your conflict and we encourage you to find someone to help you find peace, happiness and calm.
You’ll hear real stories from victims, perpetrators, ex-police and prosecutors, counsellors, psychologists and lawyers. I spoke with case workers, CEO of Blue Knot Foundations and NAPCAN as well as those organisations running prevention, education and primary intervention programs for mens change behaviour, mental health and financial advisors who see the devastating impact of Family and Domestic Violence on the people inside their homes and the ripple effect into the work place and community.
Whilst it is called all about AVO’s, you’ll also hear the experiences and excuses of victims who felt obligated to protect their partner and family from the brutal process of the courts and the impact of criminal proceedings, the elements of proving abuse, acts of violence and other related offences and how billions of dollars is spent every year on programs and the obligatory response by police. The counsellors who took part offer some amazing advice for victims and perpetrators and with all that is going on in the world, our focus remains on protecting children from trauma and abuse that reduce their self worth.
Episode 1. I am not a victim, I was disempowered by the circumstances I chose.
Rachel Natoli is a DV survivor. Her story inspired the creation of her charity – Lokahi Foundation. A case management and support service that helps women and children escape violence, disrupt the patterns of abusive behaviour and start again.
Rachel Hamlen survived years of financial abuse and shares her experience of feeling obligated in her role as wife to rescue her husband from his addictions.
Domestic and Family Violence is complex and insidious. Get help, it doesn’t have to get ‘bad’ before you leave.
For more information or to book your investigation scope out.
Check out…eam-investigations/
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