Schedule Call

If you would like to discuss your concerns or have your questions answered we ask that you text 0401831640 with your name and enquiry description first, so we can make sure we are in a position to take your call. 

If you are referral provider, please fill in the contact form that can be found here.

Alternatively you can book a free 15 minute call at the times and dates below and we will call you. 


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Booking in for an initial interview consultation allows us to assess the history, identify evidence and formulate a plan.  We generate an Issues and Concerns report that outlines all aspects of your enquiry. Helping you to identify and understand the root cause.  We educate you in the options and inform you of the opportunities.  We allow 1 hour for this and will inform you of any additional costs before moving forward. 

Purchasing an investigation or intervention package provides you with four hours  to provide a comprehensive history, generate reports, statement and receive personal recommendations for your circumstance.  We address and educate on each of the Issues and Concerns in our report as well has connect you to the referrals and resources that you may want to engage.   We can prepare statements to assist with Police Investigations and letters to address minor concerns that fall outside legal proceedings